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Youth Baseball (Ages 3-18)

Comprised of multiple skill based divisions

Boy Batter

Evaluations to ensure even matching

Sliding into Base

Full team and individual player registration

Fall 2023 Season

Season Dates

August 5th - Player Evals

August 6th - Practice Begins

August 26th - Games Begin

October 29th - Games End

Playing Locations

All games will be played at Mayor Bob Leonard Park in Farragut.

Games played on Saturdays and Sundays.

Youth Baseball Details
  • Minimum 8 game regular season

  • Post-season tournament

  • Full Button Team Jersey with player requested # and Hat

  • Game balls and catcher gear provided

  • Bring your own team or small group.  Free Agents assigned to teams as needed.

  • Request "preferred teammates" during registration to play with friends

Player Announcements with Walk-Up Music During Games!

Registration costs are 100% REFUNDABLE!

Secure a spot early and if you won’t be able to participate later on, just let us know before the registration deadline and we will refund 100% of your registration costs.

2023 Youth Baseball Divisions

Youth divisions are skill and age based with overlapping age divisions.  Our goal is for the parents to decide where their child needs to be in terms of competition level so that no kid moves up before they are ready and potentially loose interest or confidence.  We want the best possible experience for you and your children and believe this is one of the best ways to accomplish this.

Rookie Tee-Ball
Ages 3-5

For first time baseball players or players who need more time focusing on the basic skills.  All players will hit off a tee with no score and no outs. Coaches will be in the field with the players and can instruct them on what to do for each play, however, coaches should not interfere with a hit ball.  Spot markers will also be on the field to make it easier for the kids to line up and get in a ready position.  Batters will have an unlimited number of chances to hit the ball off the tee and will only advance 1 base at a time when the ball is hit.  Games will consist of 2 innings and each team will bat through the entire lineup each inning.

Equipment Needed
Tee Ball Bat
Plastic/Molded Cleats
Baseball Pants/Belt
Double A
Ages 8-11

This division is the first introduction to a player pitch division.  Base paths are again extended and no additional rules or restrictions with the exception of pitch count limits for individuals and a 5 run limit per team per inning.

Equipment Needed
Baseball Bat - 2.75 dia. max
Plastic/Molded Cleats
Baseball Pants/Belt
Rookie Advanced
Ages 4-7

This is a tee-based division where outs are made. The focus of this division is learning base running and fielding choices. The kids have an unlimited number of chances to put the ball in play off a tee.  The goal here is to get as much fielding and base running action as possible so the kids naturally start to learn the rules of the game. When an out is made, the base runner will return to the dugout, however, there is no out limit.  Games will consist of 3 full innings and each team will bat through the entire lineup each inning. Coaches are allowed to coach from the outfield during play and may not interfere with the ball.

Equipment Needed
Tee Ball Bat
Plastic/Molded Cleats
Baseball Pants/Belt
Triple A
Ages 10-14

This is our second most competitive Division before Pro.  Base length is again extended and individual pitch count limits and the 5 run limit per team per inning still applies.

Equipment Needed
Baseball Bat - 2.75 dia. max
Plastic/Molded Cleats
Baseball Pants/Belt
Single A
Ages 6-9

This division is a coach pitch division with longer base paths, scorekeeping and less restrictions during play for a more competitive environment.  Again, the goal is to get as much game action as possible, nobody wants to see the kids strikeout in a coach pitch division so we give them 6 pitches to hit the ball and they can swing all 6 times. This division has a normal 3 outs per half inning with a 5 run limit per team per inning.  Base runners can only take one additional base on an overthrow and no coaches (other than the pitching coach and base coaches) are allowed on the field during play.

Equipment Needed
Baseball Bat - 2.75 dia. max
Plastic/Molded Cleats
Baseball Pants/Belt
Ages 13-18

Our most competitive division for youth.  No added rules or restrictions.

Equipment Needed
Baseball Bat - 2.75 dia. max
Plastic/Molded/Metal Cleats
Baseball Pants/Belt

Registration, Schedules, Coaches and Teams

Types of Players

Free Agents

Individual players who have the option to list Preferred Teammates and a Preferred Coach.  After player evaluations, all Free Agents will be assigned to a team based on age, skill, preferred teammates and a preferred head coach, among other criteria.

Player Evaluations

Once registration ends, a player evaluation day will be held for all players, including Free Agents and Team Players.  After evaluations, Free Agents will be split up by age, skill, preferred teammates and preferred coach, among other criteria by the Team Sports 24/7 staff.

Game Schedule

Each team will play 1 to 2 games per week during the regular season.   All games are subject to being rescheduled due to inclement weather.  Fields may be closed at the discretion of the Town of Farragut and Team Sports 24/7 has no control over field closures.


All of our Coaches are volunteers.  To volunteer as a coach, simply login to your account and select "Coach Registration" and you will be able to register as a Head Coach or Assistant Coach. 


All coaches must complete all forms and waivers as well as complete and pass a national background check during their registration 

Team Placement

All Free Agents will be placed on a team following player evaluations by the league staff.  There is not a "draft" or player selection process that takes place by the coaches.  All players will be assigned to teams based on several factors including preferred teammates and preferred coach.  Based on the total number of teams and players requesting a specific coach or preferred teammates, it may not be possible to accommodate every request.


Practices will be scheduled for several weeks prior to the beginning of the first game and Head Coaches will have the option to request their top three choices for practice days and times. 


Practices are subject to being cancelled or rescheduled due to inclement weather and in the event that make-up games are schedule during practice times, games will take precedent. 

Key Differences

Just as important as becoming a great teammate is becoming part of a larger community with similar interest.  We are happy to be a place where players and their families can come together to share a common love of sports and competition. 

We actively engage with all of our families through a variety of events that we participate in and sponsor throughout the year.   In addition, we believe that competition and sports help cultivate a competitive spirit and teaches us all how to cherish the victories and also deal with the disappointment of losing.  Learning these things is just as important for player development as anything else.

The game-day experience is what makes it all worth it. 

As a player, you want to show up knowing that everything is taken care of and that there are no distractions so you can keep your mind focused on the game. 

As a parent, we know you want it to be as simple as possible while also making sure your child enjoys every second of the experience, win or lose. 

That is what we strive to do every single game and through proper preparation we can provide the best possible game-day experience for everyone.

We know it is frustrating to have to wait for information and updates from coaches and league administrators so we plan ahead and over-communicate everything. 

Our mobile app has all of your games pre-populated with real time updates in the event of postponements.  Also, coaches can communicate directly with teams and all registered participants and their families are automatically added to the team chat. 

Everything is combined in a simple, easy to use app that you can rely on season after season.

If you are new to Team Sports 24/7, you will need to create an account by selecting any "Register Now" or "Login" on our website or simply hit the "Create Account" button here. 

Selecting any one of those buttons will take you to our login in page where you can create a new account by selecting the "Create account" button at the bottom of that page.  

Once your account is created and you are logged in, you will see all of the Leagues and Divisions and their corresponding information including specific costs for each sport.

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