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Player Safety

Player safety is the most important part of what we do.  Regardless of age or skill level, we want to ensure that we make every sport as safe as possible to reduce the risk of injury.  From specific rule adjustments with safety in mind to using cutting edge technology, we believe in making a significant investment to keep everyone healthy.  This also includes specific steps that have been put in place to make sure that all participants are around individuals and coaches who are overly qualified and have gone through extensive background checks. 

Children's Soccer Coach

Coach Vetting

All of our coaches must complete an annual background check and must also attend an internal, in-person training at least once a year.

We monitor games and practices regularly throughout the season to ensure a safe and healthy environment.

Team Sports 24/7 has a zero tolerance policy for any action that would be considered inappropriate, vulgar, abusive or aggressive in any way.

Safety First

We know everyone wants to keep playing but we also want to make sure that every player is protected.  Injury and concussion protocols are in place for all sports and all parents, coaches and staff are required to complete a variety of forms to educate about different sports injuries including how to recognize and how to treat them.

Little League Player
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