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Youth Soccer

Male and Female Divisions

Girls During Soccer Practice

Evaluations to ensure even matching


Full team and individual player registration

Youth Soccer Details

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Summer 2023 Divisions

Ages 3-4
Ages 8-11
Ages 5-7
Ages 10-14
Ages 6-9
Ages 13-18

Registration, Schedules, Coaches and Teams

Types of Players

Free Agent

Individual players who are registering to play on any team.  Free Agents will have the option to request a specific Head Coach that they would like to play for during registration if applicable.

Team Player

A player who already has a team and coach outside of the Team Sports 24/7 league that they play for.  Typically, Team Players don't need uniforms through Team Sports 24/7, they are provided by their existing team.

Player Evaluations

Once registration ends, a player evaluation day will be held for all players, including Free Agents, and Team Players.  Free Agents will be split up by age and other criteria to ensure even matching for games. 


Free Agents who requested a specific Head Coach during registration will be assigned to a team after evaluations, however, this placement is not guaranteed depending on the number of players requesting a specific Head Coach.

Game Schedule

Each team will play 2 games per week during the regular season.  Game times will vary based on age group but generally, games will not begin past 7:30pm on any weeknight.


All games are subject to being rescheduled due to inclement weather and may be played on any day of the week when rescheduled.  Schedules will be posted following evaluations.


All of our Coaches are volunteers.  To volunteer as a coach, simply login to your account and select "Register" in the Division which you wish to coach and you will be able to register as a Head Coach or Assistant Coach. 


All coaches must complete all forms and waivers as well as complete and pass a national background check during their registration.

Team Placement

All Free Agents will be placed on a team following player evaluations.  If a Free Agent requests a specific Head Coach during registration, they may be placed on a specific team if the Head Coach requests that player as well and other criteria are met. 


Team Players will register for a specific team as directed by their existing Head Coach and will automatically be allocated to that team.


Practices will be scheduled for 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the first game and Head Coaches will have the option to request their top three choices for practice days and times. 


Practices are subject to being cancelled or rescheduled due to inclement weather.  

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