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Join The Team

Current Open Positions

Volunteer - Part-Time

Being a volunteer is an easy way to be around the sports you love while also giving back to the community.  Volunteers typically help out around 3-5 hours per week and may include a variety of helpful jobs like promotion, scorekeeping, field maintenance, concessions, parking, and more!  In addition to getting free registration to any sport for you and your immediate family for the same season you volunteer, you'll get a free Team Sports 24/7 staff shirt.



Employment Dates - Seasonal
Volunteer opportunities start in late July

Free registration each season you volunteer for you and your immediate family!

Facilities Director - Part-Time

This position will be responsible for all things related to game days including but not limited to ensuring volunteers and employees are on time and performing their duties, ensuring fields are clear and game-ready prior to games, ensuring fields and surrounding areas are cleaned following game sessions, reporting accurate scores to the league after each game, addressing and solving any conflicts between parents/umpires/players, addressing and reporting any field or park policy violations and managing the overall field area during gameplay.


Monday:        5:00pm - 10:15m
Wednesday:  5:00
pm - 10:15m
Friday:           5:00
pm - 10:15m
Saturday:      8:00am - 8:00pm


Employment Dates - Seasonal
Fall - August 8 - October 31

Hourly Pay:  $25.00/hour

Score/Bookkeeper for Youth Baseball - Part-Time

This position requires an individual who can manage the score and official game book for youth baseball games ranging from ages 4 to 14.  This position is also responsible for playing the national anthem before games with the provided equipment and also playing provided music in between innings.


Monday:       5:15pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday: 5:15pm - 10:00pm
Friday:          5:15pm - 10:00pm
Saturday:     8:30am - 2:30pm or 2:00pm - 8:00pm


Employment Dates - Seasonal
Fall - August 8 - October 31

Hourly Pay:  $12.00/hour

Field Maintenance - Part Time

This position will be responsible for baseball and softball field maintenance including but not limited to dragging the field, chalking batters boxes, striping the field, placing/changing/removing bases, setting up scoreboards/PA equipment as necessary and ensuring all areas have been cleaned of debris and trash at the end of each session of games.  

Monday:       5:00 - 6:00pm & 9:30pm - 10:15pm
Wednesday: 5:00pm -6:00pm & 9:30pm - 10:15pm
Friday:          5:00
pm -6:00pm & 9:30pm - 10:15pm
Saturday:     8:00am - 9:00am & 1:30pm - 2:30pm & 6:30pm - 7:30pm


Employment Dates - Seasonal
Fall - August 8 - October 31

Hourly Pay:  $12.00/hour

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